Saturday 27 September 2025
Introduced in January 1996, the Ad Astra Stone Program celebrates the service and sacrifice of the over 12,000 air force personnel whose legacy is preserved in the RCAF Memorial Airpark at the National Air Force Museum of Canada. Originally conceived by Maj (Ret.) Roy Skillicorn and developed by Col (Ret.) Cy Yarnell, the Ad Astra Program offers a way to memorialize yours or a loved one’s contribution to Canada’s air force history.
Today, the RCAF Memorial Airpark is the largest living monument dedicated to air force personnel in Canada. Ad Astra Stones line the pathways of the RCAF Memorial Airpark, reminding us of thousands of air force personnel, both past and present, who have served Canada. Some names may be familiar, such as Canadian First World War flying ace, Wop May, or Victoria Cross winner, Andrew Mynarski – both famed Canadian aviators whose legacy is prominent in our historical narrative. Though, most Ad Astra Stones bear the names of individuals who will not appear in our history books, providing all proudly serving air force personnel and veterans a way to celebrate and preserve their legacy, becoming a part of Canada’s air force story.
To qualify for an Ad Astra Stone, an individual must have served with Canada’s air force.
Bearing the words “Ad Astra” and adorned with an Air Force Roundel, the 6” x 10” gray, granite stones are inscribed with the name, hometown, and province of the dedicate. Also included are the year of birth and year of death if the individual is deceased; these dates can later be engraved when and if the Museum is informed of the person’s passing.
To dedicate an Ad Astra Stone in yours or a loved one’s name, please submit an application form accompanied by a $200 donation to the National Air Force Museum of Canada. Donations can be made on site (cash, credit, debit, cheque), over the phone (credit card only), or by mail (cheque). Please note that there is no online payment option. All Ad Astra Stone donations are eligible for an income-tax receipt.
Each year, a dedication ceremony is held to commemorate the service of the air force personnel whose legacy is held at the NAFMC, and thank all those who have contributed to the program in support of the Museum. An invitation to the ceremony where yours or your loved ones’ stone will be dedicated is included with the income-tax reciept.
Ad Astra Stones ordered before June 1st will be installed by and included in the September Ad Astra Ceremony of that year.
Please note that the final date to dedicate an Ad Astra Stone to be included in the 2024 ceremony is 1 July 2024.
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This search has been updated with Ad Astra Stone information up to September 2023. We are currently working on updates to the 2024 database and appreciate your patience. A current and up-to-date listing of Ad Astra Stones and their locations is available on-site at the Museum’s admission desk.
Did you know the RCAF had K9s? Or that there was a Tim Horton’s opened in Kandahar? Have you heard of the SWINTER Trials? Discover the people, places, and events that have shaped Canada’s air force history. Featuring unique artefacts from our collection, interactive displays, and multimedia presentations, our exhibits bring the rich history of Canadian aviation to life.