Research and Reproduction




Research requests

The National Air Force Museum of Canada can answer brief questions relating to this history of Canadian military aviation. However, we cannot conduct in-depth research. The Museum accepts research requests related to the contents of our archival and artefact collections. While our collections are extensive, content is highly variable. Curatorial service fees apply to all  requests.

Requests must be as specific as possible by including aircraft types, people, places, and dates and avoiding broad subjects such as “Second World War” or “fighter jets”. We spend no more than two (2) hours of research time on any request.

All research requests but be submitted in writing, either by email or postal mail. Requests cannot be made over the phone.

When submitting your request, please:

  • Include a description on how you intend to use the requested information
  • Include what type of information you are looking for (photos, logs, maps, etc.)

Requests cannot exceed ten (10) topics. Researchers are limited to one (1) request at a time and up to three (3) requests per year. 

Research requests are completed in order of receipt. Rush services are available, all fees are doubled; rush service requests will be processed within three (3) business days after the request is confirmed. Once your request is completed, you will receive an invoice. Following payment, a member of the curatorial staff will send you a list of related materials within our collection. Please allow up to thirty (30) business days for a response and up to six (6) weeks for processing. The Museum has the right to deny or withhold access to material from our collections.

Please note that we do not hold Personnel Records in our archives, these records must be accessed through Library and Archives Canada.

Reproduction Requests

The Museum’s archival collection contains photographs, letters, personal documentation, log books, and other documentary material pertaining to Canadian military aviation history. Reproduction requests may be made following the results of a research request or independently. Curatorial service fees apply to all requests.

The Museum is unable to complete requests for the following: 

  • Archival items larger than 31cm x 44cm
  • Archival items in audiovisual format; including video, film, microfiche, negatives, and VHS tapes
  • Artwork protected under copyright

Reproduction requests must include the accession number(s) of the item(s) requested for digitization or be specific to a particular archival object. Generic requests such as “photos of the RCAF in the Second World War” or “photos of bombers” cannot be accepted due to the volume of material within our archival collections. However, specific requests such as “Gerry Bell’s logbook” are acceptable. Accession numbers can be retrieved by first submitting a research request. If a research request precedes a reproduction request, it is considered the same request if made within the same year.

A reproduction request cannot exceed ten (10) items. Researchers are limited to one (1) request at a time and up to three (3) requests per year.

Requests must be submitted in writing, either by email or postal mail. Requests cannot be made over the phone.

When submitting your request, please:

  • Include a description on how you intend to use the digitized file(s)

The National Air Force Museum of Canada maintains copyright of all materials digitized via a reproduction request. Some materials may be subject to external copyright restrictions. Large format material and artwork may be subject to additional fees. Logbooks, technical manuals, and periodicals are available as whole publications only, per page rate applies. 

The National Air Force Museum of Canada does not permit editing or altering of our collections of any kind, including colourization of photographs.

Reproduction requests are completed in order of receipt. Rush services are available, all fees are doubled; rush service requests will be processed within three (3) business days after the request is confirmed. An invoice will be sent when your request has been completed. Following payment, a member of the curatorial staff will send you the requested reproductions. Please allow up to thirty (30) business days for a response and up to six (6) weeks for processing. The Museum has the right to deny or withhold access to material from our collections.  


Administration Fee (Per Order)

Flat fee


Curatorial Service Fee 

First 30 minutes


Each additional hour


Method of Reproduction

Digital PDF (Manuals only)

$0.30 per scan

Digital PDF (Bound materials)

$5.00 per scan


$20 per scan


$30 per scan

Method of Delivery


$10.00 + shipping

File Transfer Program

No Fee

All orders are subject to 13% HST

Shipping and Handling fees are extra



ATTN: Assistant Curator

National Air Force Museum of Canada

220 RCAF Rd. 

Astra, ON

K0K 3W0


On-site research is available by appointment only for researchers / individuals who have previously submitted and received the results of a research request. Curatorial service fees apply to all on-site research requests. 

Requested objects can be viewed on-site only with a member of the Curatorial staff. The NAFMC will not consider requests to bring objects off-site for research or other purposes.  




Did you know the RCAF had K9s? Or that there was a Tim Horton’s opened in Kandahar? Have you heard of the SWINTER Trials? Discover the people, places, and events that have shaped Canada’s air force history. Featuring unique artefacts from our collection, interactive displays, and multimedia presentations, our exhibits bring the rich history of Canadian aviation to life.