Ad Astra Program
Introduced in January 1996, the Ad Astra Stone Program celebrates the service and sacrifice of the over 12,000 air force personnel whose legacy is preserved in the RCAF Memorial Airpark at the National Air Force Museum of Canada. The program, originally conceived by Maj (Ret.) Roy Skillicorn and developed by Col (Ret.) Cy Yarnell, offers personnel who have served in any of Canada’s air forces the opportunity to memorialize their contribution by way of an engraved stone marker that line the pathways of the Airpark.
Each year, a dedication ceremony is held to commemorate the service of the air force personnel whose legacy is held at the NAFMC, and thank all those who have contributed to the program in support of the Museum.
Ad Astra Stones
Bearing the words “Ad Astra” and adorned with an Air Force Roundel, the 6” x 10” gray, granite stones are inscribed with the name, hometown, and province of the dedicatee. Also included are the year of birth and year of death if the individual is deceased; these dates can later be engraved when and if the Museum is informed of the person’s passing.
Dedicating an Ad Astra Stone
In recognition of a $200.00 donation to the NAFMC, an Ad Astra Stone will be dedicated in the name of the individual of the donor’s choosing. Any Canadian air personnel who have served or are currently serving in Canada’s Air Force or an Allied Air Force, their spouse, or others whom are approved by the NAFMC Executive Director, can be memorialized in the Ad Astra Stone Program.
Dedications can be made by filling out an Ad Astra Application and submitting a $200 donation to the National Air Force Museum of Canada. Once received, a charitable income-tax receipt will be issued to the donor and the stone will be queued for engraving.

Download an Ad Astra application below.
Ad Astra FAQ
Below are some frequently asked questions about our Ad Astra program. If your question hasn’t already been answered below, please reach out to us at
Who is eligible for an Ad Astra Stone?
An Ad Astra Stone can be dedicated to any Canadian individual who has served or is serving in Canada’s air force or an Allied Air Force, and their spouse. The NAFMC Executive Director can approve applications in special circumstances where the dedicatee does not meet these criteria.
What is the cost of an Ad Astra Stone dedication?
To dedicate a stone a $200 donation to the Museum is required. Donations are eligible for an income tax-receipt when applicable.
Can I dedicate more than one stone for one individual?
A second, duplicate Ad Astra Stone can be placed in the Airpark in another location for an additional $150 donation. The second stone must be identical to the original stone and purchased at the same time. Duplicate stones cannot be taken home.
Can I choose the location of my Ad Astra Stone?
Currently, many stone beds are full and new beds are being built as the program continues to grow. The Museum will try to accommodate location requests, but cannot guarantee your stone will be placed where requested.
Can my stone be placed with an existing family member’s?
The Museum will try to accommodate all location requests. If you’d like your stone to be placed beside or near an existing family member’s stone, their stone may be relocated to accommodate the request.
How long will it for my stone to be placed in the Airpark?
Currently, the Ad Astra Stone Program is working through a backlog and applications can take up to one year to fulfill. Note that the program closes during the winter months (October – April), and stones can only be placed from May to September, weather permitting.
How do I add the year of birth and year of death to someone’s stone?
Dates can be added to Ad Astra stones following the dedicatee’s passing. Change requests can be submitted to and must include:
- Full name, hometown of the dedicatee
- YOB and YOD of the dedicatee
- Requester’s name and relation to dedicatee
There is no additional fee required to add these dates.
When is the next Ad Astra Ceremony?
The next Ad Astra Ceremony is scheduled for 28 September 2024. The ceremony will commence at 2:00pm in the Airpark.
How many Ad Astra Stones are in the Airpark?
To date, over 12,000 Ad Astra Stones have been dedicated in the RCAF Memorial Airpark, and the program continues to grow!
How do I find the location of mine or my loved one’s stone?
A listing of all stones and their locations is available at the Museum’s Admission desk. Our volunteers and staff can help you locate a stone during your visit.
I made a mistake filling out my application; can a mistake be corrected after the stone is engraved?
Yes! If you’ve made a mistake on your application and it’s discovered only after the stone has been engraved, it can still be corrected. Note that changes other than the addition of YOB and YOD require a $45 donation.
If you have a change you’d like to submit, let us know at
Can I have a stone relocated?
Relocations can be done through special requests and must be approved individually due to limited space in existing stone beds. To inquire about relocating yours or a loved one’s stone reach out to us at
Why was mine / my loved one’s name not listed in the Ad Astra Ceremony program?
If you purchased a stone after the deadline, your stone will be laid during the next years’ ceremony. Names listed in the program are only for those individuals whose stones had been dedicated in the past year.